Ahh, the air conditioner. That quiet, helpful unit that runs unnoticed in the background, keeping your family cool on sweltering Florida days.
It’s easy to take it for granted — until the day comes where it’s on the fritz. Suddenly, you’re faced with either repairing or replacing your air conditioner. If you’re like most people, you know little about them, and the decision might loom large.
Luckily, you’re not alone in this. We’ve put together a helpful list for anyone considering Bryant air conditioning repair or replacement in the New Port Richey area. Read on to learn more.
Consider the Age of Your Current AC
Your first consideration should probably be the age of your current air conditioner. Like all home mechanicals, they don’t last indefinitely.
A well-maintained Bryant AC can last for quite a while — potentially up to 25 years. However, it’s more likely your AC will start to show its age at around 15 years in the form or increased repair calls or decreased efficiency.
If your unit is newer than 10 years old, it’s highly likely that repair is a better option than replacement. If it’s 15+ years old, you may want to consider replacement. Your AC repairperson can provide their educated take on the best option.
How Expensive is the Repair?
Consider the last old vehicle you owned. After a time, it stopped making sense to put money into repairs. After all, why pay thousands to replace a transmission that would probably cost more than the car?
ACs reach this point of diminishing returns, too. At a certain age, it simply doesn’t make economic sense to continually repair the unit. Yes, replacement might cost a bit more upfront, but if the alternative is costly repairs every season, that upfront cost is worth it.
Again, this is a decision that your Bryant AC repairperson can help you make based on your specific situation.
Decreasing Efficiency and Rising Energy Bills
After some time, your AC unit will become less efficient due to normal wear and tear. Add to this the trend of rising temperatures and energy costs, and you might begin to see an increase in your utility bills.
This is a good point to consider when deciding to repair or replace. New Bryant AC units are designed to be more energy efficient and run less often, saving you money on your utility bill.
Crunch the numbers and calculate how much you could save over a period of time if you were running a newer, more energy efficient unit. Upon doing the math, you might see that replacement becomes a smart option.
Call Us for Your Bryant Air Conditioning Repairs in New Port Richey
As you can see, there are several important factors to consider when deciding to repair or replace an AC, and it’s important that you understand all the variables.
We offer Bryant air conditioning repairs, replacements, and installation. If you’re considering whether to repair or replace, get in touch with us — we’re always happy to talk you through your options so that you can feel confident you’re making the best choice for your family (and budget!).